Friday, September 25, 2009

We have Centipedes

We have centipedes here in Hawaii...And we have recently killed 2 and chased one down our hallway. They are creepy and they give me the heeby-jeeby's like nothing else. If you are lucky enough to get bit by one of these you can become violently ill. My mom claims to have been bitten multiple 7 times. Fun times on Kauai...P.S. I had to add that shortly after posting this my friend Bel was bitten while doing the laundry and had to go to the emergency room for a shot of Novocaine because the pain was excruciating. Her hand is swollen which she believes makes it look "younger" than her other 39 year old hand. Guess there is always a bright side to every story...

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Just when you start blogging, I peter out on eggtown. The only time I think to call is in the morning when it is probably way too early in HI. Love seeing the pics on the blog. I am still ignoring facebook. Can't seem to get into the swing of it.