Friday, September 25, 2009

We have Centipedes

We have centipedes here in Hawaii...And we have recently killed 2 and chased one down our hallway. They are creepy and they give me the heeby-jeeby's like nothing else. If you are lucky enough to get bit by one of these you can become violently ill. My mom claims to have been bitten multiple 7 times. Fun times on Kauai...P.S. I had to add that shortly after posting this my friend Bel was bitten while doing the laundry and had to go to the emergency room for a shot of Novocaine because the pain was excruciating. Her hand is swollen which she believes makes it look "younger" than her other 39 year old hand. Guess there is always a bright side to every story...

The Garcia Boys

On Finn's new surfboard...


Pappa Jerry painted this!

And rolling around on the floor.

Rodeos and Flying Saucers

We did do something this summer! We went to the Rodeo and ate Flying Saucers. Are Flying Saucers only found on the Hawaiian Islands?? Two pieces of white bread filled with sloppy joe mix and grilled to belly bomb perfection--at least that's how Sean perceives them...Finn stuck with the cherry flavored Shave Ice.

Sean Self Portraits

Am I a bad wife? We have hundreds of photos of the kids, rarely a photo of ourselves. So Sean has taken to self-portraits...he's kind-of obsessed...

Kids Are Easy

I will attempt to jump back into blogging by blogging what is easiest...that of course would be updates on the offspring.

HE WALKS!!!!!!!

Cassius 9.0 - At 9 months old, to-the-day, Cassius started taking some real steps...two weeks later crawling is a thing of the past and he is now a full-fledged walker. And YES, we have heard how important it is for babies to go through all of the crawling , cruising, walking stages. And HE DID all that, just EARLY. He was trying to crawl at six months and was crawling and standing at 7 months...what were we supposed to do? Tie him down and not let the kid walk?? Look how happy he is...

Could I be the world's worst blogger?

I think I may be...